Cawthorne’s Endowed School aims to nurture a love of reading, writing and to develop spoken English in all children to enable them to leave our school equipped to learn across the curriculum and develop their love of the English Language.

To be successful in English, children need:

  • To be captured into a unit of work through a stimulus
  • To read and to be read to
  • To understand text structure
  • To be technically proficient/skilled
  • To be writers
  • To talk with fluency, broadening their vocabulary



Teachers plan daily English lessons for at least 1 hour in both Key Stages 1 & 2, in EYFS, teachers should plan for daily phonics sessions and short directed English sessions with follow up activities and through continuous provision. Learning objectives for EYFS are sourced from Development Matters. Key Stage 1 follow a set 2 year rolling programme, Key Stage 2 follow a 4 year rolling programme, both of which are sourced from the Lancashire agreed syllabus.

As part of the daily structure, within English the children will access a combination of:

  • In EYFS & Key Stage 1 a daily phonics session taught in differentiated groups
  • Spelling
  • Grammar & Punctuation
  • 1:1/group reading, daily in the Infants with the aim of this being weekly in Key Stage 2
  • Guided reading in Key Stage 2
  • Comprehension skills in Key Stage 2
  • Handwriting
  • Dictation
  • Children are encouraged to access texts above the level at which they are currently reading through adult reading of class texts.
  • In EYFS a focus on gross and fine motor skills as a pre-cursor to writing fluently
  • Key Stage 2 ERIC time


The Lancashire agreed schemes have been organised into the rolling programmes used within school to ensure that full coverage of the National Curriculum is achieved for all children throughout their time at Cawthorne’s Endowed School. This is a working document and flexibility has been built into this to reflect the cohort at the time.

Work in EYFS & Key Stage 1 is split with Nursery and Reception children working together where appropriate, with an emphasis on stretching Reception children. Years 1 & 2 work together, sometimes in a different working environment to allow for more formal learning. All work is differentiated to the needs and abilities of the children, this is through questioning, support, expectation, work set and outcome. Across the age range, the objectives have been mapped to ensure that all children are being challenged at the appropriate level.


Children requiring additional support are given this where appropriate and in accordance with their Pupil Passport. Regular interventions are in place for children identified as needing differentiated support which is reviewed termly to assess suitability on an intent, implementation and impact cycle. All work is differentiated to the needs and abilities of the children, this is through questioning, support, expectation, work set and outcome.


We have high expectations for all children and celebrate children’s successes at their level. Those children who are working at greater depth are regularly challenged through questioning, support, expectation, work set and outcome. Lesson objectives can vary depending on ability of the individual. Extension activities are often used for higher abilities which are developed particularly with talented or gifted children in mind.


Each classroom should have the following on display:

Early Years

  • Celebrations of work on display (multi modal writing)
  • Phonics sounds
  • Letter formation prompts
  • Labelling
  • Days of the week, months of the year

Key Stage 1

  • Celebrations of work on display (multi modal writing)
  • Days of the week
  • Question words
  • Relevant SPaG vocabulary
  • Letter formation prompts
  • High frequency word prompts
  • Working Wall

Key Stage 2

  • Celebrations of work on display (multi modal writing)
  • Working Wall
  • Relevant SPaG vocabulary
  • Letter formation prompts
  • Current WOW words (alongside a WOW word dictionary accessible for children)
  • Working Wall WOW work booklets

ASSESSMENT for LEARNING and Assessment of Learning

Teachers are constantly assessing children through questioning, observation and through the work created. In line with the Marking and Feedback policy, all staff will use an ‘S’ to indicate where children have completed work with support. It is presumed that all other work will have been completed independently. All of this will be used to inform support within the lesson, as well as future planning of work and the next steps in learning.

Summative comments are written on an end of year report to parents. This should be written in the light of the skills and knowledge that each child has acquired and developed throughout the year.

Termly assessment (a combination of teacher assessment and formal assessments) will be undertaken, in order to monitor progress and set targets for the remainder of the year. This information is tracked by the Headteacher.

  • KLIPs documents and other moderation documents are used for Reading and Writing to assess children’s progress and to highlight gaps in learning.
  • The school has also purchased termly PIRA and GAPS tests for each year group to inform teacher judgements.
  • Statutory assessment in Year 1 and 6 will take place in accordance with national timetables.

English Subject Guidance

English Rolling Programme